luni, 11 iulie 2011

Bon Jovi - An arch across the time - Never say never

Any human being is living from memories when the trigger point is reached. This point represents the amount of experiences from the past that overcome the present...

The times when the celuloid plate was master, when magnetic tape was yet another way to take with you the ones you loved to listen, I started to listen Bon Jovi at one of my university mates "recording studio". It was the year of 1986. That time Bon Jovi was something that you could not imagine to see it live. It was a DREAM. Now, at 45 years of age I can say that I still have the same dream: to see them AGAIN.

If you would ask me back in 1986 if I will see them life after 25 years, I would suggest you to take a psihical examination. That time I could watch Bon Jovi only at Bulgarian TV stations or VHS tapes that were carefully shared among Politechnical University of Bucharest students. "Never say never" is something that exceedes any political regime. Music unites us all. I need a BAD MEDICINE again and again !!!